informations -和记娱乐平台

— hot news —

    israeli agricultural water-saving experts visited to institute of dryland farming 2024/05/27
   the plant protection institute held a special report on the molecular and neural mechanisms of cotton bollworm olfactory recognition 2024/05/21
   field testing on key prevention and control techniques for wheat stem rot under conservation tillage conditions 2024/05/20
   webinar on sweet potato research and development jointly held by haafs and mardi 2024/04/29
   academic senimar on soil salt and nutrient management 2024/04/26
   econutri project update 2024/04/15
   sunflower varieties bred by institute of cotton participated in the "2024 china seed (nanfan agricultural silicon valley) conference" exhibition 2024/04/02
   the institute of cereals and oil crops organized an academic conference on the integration of agriculture and animal husbandry 2024/03/12
   new progress has been made in the study of herbicide resistance mechanisms in bromus japonicus 2024/03/12
   professor banno kiyoshi from shinshu university in japan visited institute of changli fruit research 2024/03/11
   observation on new variety of facility strawberry 2024/01/29
   new progress in research on the mechanism of herbicide resistance in descurainia sophia 2024/01/02
   vegetable experts provided production guidance after heavy snow 2023/12/22
   a delegation led by president zhang tielong successfully visited egypt 2023/12/20
   grape experts provided emergency technical guidance after heavy snowfall 2023/12/19
   good seeds & high quality of cotton 2023/12/18
   experts conducted investigations on wheat seedlings in hebei province and provided winter and spring management advice 2023/12/11
   haafs delegation conducted academic exchange in japan 2023/11/29
   the production model of dry alkali wheat sorghum millet in saline-alkali land has achieved abundant harvests 2023/11/23
   strawberry experts provided high-quality training and on-site technical guidance 2023/11/21